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BSH 58th Annual Scientific Meeting

16 April, 2018

16-18 April 2018

58th Annual Scientific Meeting, British Society for Haematology

Liverpool, UK

The 58th Annual Scientific Meeting is a three-day event hosted by the British Society for Haematology. This annual scientific meeting spans a wide-range of topics at the forefront of haematological research and practice guidelines across all haematology specialities.

The annual scientific meeting kicks off on the Monday with a plenary session titled ‘The Appliance of Science’ taking place, the speech will involve joint speakers from both the American Society of Hamatology (ASH) and the British Society for Heamtology.

The conference will provide an invaluable opportunity for the Resonance Health team to liaise with global experts in the field of Haematology and provide further opportunities to profile our technologies.

This event will be attended by our Research Consultant, Dr Susanna Katay-Davies (MD), and Chief Scientific Officer, Professor Tim St Pierre. We welcome any opportunity to meet with you during our time in Liverpool. Please email susannak@resonancehealth.com with your preferred date/time availability if you'd like to book a meeting.

For more information on the conference please click here…