Die folgenden Veröffentlichungen beziehen sich auf HepaFatScan, MRI PDFF-Techniken und klinische Auswirkungen von Leberfett auf das Herz.
House, M.J., et al., Diagnostic Performance of a Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging Method of Measuring Hepatic Steatosis. PLOS ONE, 2013. 8(3): p. e59287.
St Pierre, T.G., et al., Stereological Analysis of Liver Biopsy Histology Sections as a Reference Standard for Validating Non-Invasive Liver Fat Fraction Measurements by MRI. PLoS One, 2016. 11(8): p. e0160789.
Vos, M.B., et al., Validation of MRI-VLFF for the non-invasive measurement of steatosis in children. GastroHep, 2020. 2(4): p. 171-180.
Reeder, S.B. und C.B. Sirlin, Quantification of liver fat with magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am, 2010. 18(3): p. 337-57, ix.
Stahl Eric, P., et al., Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and the Heart. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2019. 73(8): p. 948-963.
Athithan, L., et al., A comparison of liver fat fraction measurement on MRI at 3T and 1.5T. PLoS One, 2021. 16(7): p. e0252928