T1CMR Phantom
USD $7,500.00
The development of the T1CMR (T1MES) phantom was initiated and tested by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) centres around the world that were engaging in the T1 Mapping and ECV Standardisation (T1MES) Academic Programme (PMID: 27660042). The T1MES programme aimed to provide a roadmap for developing a quality assurance medical device system for T1 mapping, and has now been extensively validated and are in use in CMR centres across the world 1,2.
The development of the T2CMR phantom was using the collaboration and expertise gained through the T1MES programme to design a T2 mapping phantom that could be used interchangeably at both 1.5 T and 3 T, and that reflects clinically relevant native and post-GBCA T2 in myocardium across the spectrum of health and disease3.
Resonance Health Analysis Services Pty Ltd (Resonance Health) is the sole manufacturer of the T1 and T2 CMR phantoms that are made-to-order products.
- Country of Origin and Manufacture: Australia, goods are manufactured by Resonance Health Analysis Services Pty Ltd (the Seller).
- Invoice: Invoice is sent to the billing contact provided. A flat fee of USD 150 for shipping will be charged, and any import duties are to be covered by the buyer.
- Availability and Shelf-life: Phantoms will be available by order with an agreed delivery date and with an expiry date of 18 months from production.
- Time of shipment: TBC.
- Packaging: The phantoms are individually wrapped with bubble wrap, and packed in a new cardboard box filled with polystyrene packing peanuts.
- Insurance: Insurance to be covered by the Seller for 100% of the Invoice value covering all shipping risks.
- Guarantee: The products are guaranteed against any defect in material or manufacture for a period of six months from when the products are made available to the Buyer by the Seller. Repairs carried out under warranty do not extend the term of the warranty. The warranty ceases automatically if the Buyer, on his own initiative and without Seller’s express agreement, uses or modifies the product in a way not provided for nor specified by the Seller.